A Total Lunar Eclipse Corona
Image Credit & Copyright: Helmut Eder
Explanation: This moon appears multiply strange. This moon was a full moon, specifically called a Flower Moon at this time of the year. But that didn’t make it strange — full moons occur once a month (moon-th). This moon was a supermoon, meaning that it reached its full phase near its closest approach to the Earth in its slightly elliptical orbit. Somewhat strange, a supermoon appears a bit larger and brighter than the average full moon — and enables it to be called a Super Flower Moon. This moon was undergoing a total lunar eclipse. An eclipsed moon can look quite strange, being dark, unevenly lit, and, frequently, red — sometimes called blood red. Therefore, this moon could be called a Super Flower Blood Moon. This moon was seen through thin clouds. These clouds created a faint corona around the moon, making it look not only strange, but colorful. This moon was imaged so deeply that the heart of the Milky Way galaxy, far in the background, was visible to its lower right. This moon, this shadow, this galaxy and these colors were all captured last month near Cassilis, NSW, Australia — with a single shot. (Merged later with two lower shots that better capture the Milky Way.)
Details: Annular Solar Eclipse Tomorrow
Gallery: Total Eclipse of the Super Flower Blood Moon
Tomorrow’s picture: open space
图片来源及版权:Helmut Eder
说明:这轮明月有多重特异性。每年出现在这个期间的满月,拥有花月的称号。不过,这并没任何特别之处,因为每个月都有满月。这轮满月是超级月亮,意指它在稍椭圆的轨道上,满相时位在近地点附近。超级月亮比寻常的满月稍大稍亮,因此也稍具特异性,而这轮明月有超级花月的令名。这轮满月也恰逢月全食。食月通常看来相当怪异,除了很昏暗之外,明暗不匀,而且色泽偏红,故有时称为血月。所以这轮月亮可称为超级花血月。此外,这轮明月位在薄云后方,故月盘周围有淡淡的月华,让它看来既怪异又多彩。这是一幅极深空的月亮影像,月亮的右下方可见到背景远方的银河系核心。这轮明月、地球影子、银河和所有的色彩,都是在上个月于澳洲.新南威尔斯省.喀西利斯镇用单曝光影像所记录。 (不过,为了更清楚呈现银河,原始影像叠合另外拍摄的2张照片,组成这张主题影像。)
明日的图片: open space