Devil Horns from a Ring of Fire
Image Credit & Copyright: Madhup Rathi
Explanation: Atmospheric refraction flattened the solar disk and distorted its appearance in this telescopic view of an Atlantic sunrise on June 10. From Belmar, New Jersey on the US east coast, the scene was recorded at New Moon during this season’s annular solar eclipse. The Moon in partial silhouette gives the rising Sun its crescent shape reminding some of the horns of the devil (or maybe a flying canoe …). But at its full annular phase this eclipsed Sun looked like a ring of fire in the heavens. June’s annular solar eclipse followed on the heels of the total lunar eclipse of late May’s Full Moon. Of course, that total lunar eclipse was a dramatic red Blood Moon eclipse.
Tomorrow’s picture: light-weekend
影像提供与版权: Madhup Rathi
说明: 在这幅摄于6月10日、眺望大西洋日出的望远镜影像里,大气折射压扁日盘并扭曲了它的外观。当时从美国东岸的纽泽西州.贝尔玛镇看出去,这片景观有新月为这个交食季带来的日环食。而月盘的部分剪影,让蛾眉状带食旭日的外观形似恶魔之角(或飞行皮划…)而在此次日食的食甚环食阶段,食日的外观则酷似悬在天空的火之环。今年7月的日环食,是紧接在5月底的月全食之后。那次月全食,有很耸动的血红月食之称。
明日的图片: light-weekend