Love and War by Moonlight
Image Credit & Copyright: Shi Huan
Explanation: Venus, named for the Roman goddess of love, and Mars, the war god’s namesake, come together by moonlight in this serene skyview, recorded on July 11 from Lualaba province, Democratic Republic of Congo, planet Earth. Taken in the western twilight sky shortly after sunset the exposure also records earthshine illuminating the otherwise dark surface of the young crescent Moon. Of course the Moon has moved on. Venus still shines in the west though as the evening star, third brightest object in Earth’s sky, after the Sun and the Moon itself. Seen here above a brilliant Venus, Mars moved even closer to the brighter planet and by July 13 could be seen only about a Moon’s width away. Mars has since slowly wandered away from much brighter Venus in the twilight, but both are sliding toward bright star Regulus. Alpha star of the constellation Leo, Regulus lies off the top of this frame and anticipates a visit from Venus and then Mars in twilight skies of the coming days.
Tomorrow’s picture: when the moon watches you
影像提供与版权: Shi Huan
说明: 在这幅7月11日摄于地球刚果共合国.卢阿拉巴省的静谧影像里,以西洋神话爱神(Venus)为名的金星和以战神(Mars)为名的火星,一同沐浴在月光中。这幅影像除了拍下刚日落后的暮光西方天空,也记录了受地照光照亮、原本非常黝黑的新月夜面。目前月亮已移至他处,但在地球天空第三亮、亮度排在太阳与月亮之后的金星,仍以昏星之姿在西方天空绽放光芒。影像中位在明亮金星上方的火星,后来愈来愈接近金星,在7月13日接近到与月亮相距约1个满月的宽度。在目前的暮光天空中,火星逐渐远离非常明亮的金星,不过二者都往亮星轩辕十四靠近。于这片视野的顶缘之外的狮子座最亮星轩辕十四,在接下来数日的暮光天空中,将接续有金星及火星来访。
明日的图片: when the moon watches you