Perseid Rain
Image Credit & Copyright: Luo Hongyang
Explanation: Comet dust rained down on planet Earth last week, streaking through dark skies in the annual Perseid meteor shower. The featured picture is a composite of many images taken from the same location over the peak night of the Perseids. The umbrella was not needed as a shield from meteors, since they almost entirely evaporate high in the Earth’s atmosphere. Many of the component images featured individual Perseids, while one image featured the foreground near Jiuquan City, Gansu Province, China. The stellar background includes the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy, appearing nearly vertical, as well as the planets Jupiter and Saturn on the left. Although the comet dust particles are traveling parallel to each other, the resulting shower meteors clearly seem to radiate from a single point on the sky — the radiant in the eponymous constellation Perseus. The image captured so long an angular field that the curvature of the sky is visible in the trajectory of the Perseids.
Notable APOD Image Submissions: Perseid Meteor Shower 2021
Tomorrow’s picture: nova visible
影像提供与版权: Luo Hongyang
说明: 在上星期的年度英仙座流星雨期间,彗星的微尘洒向地球,形成掠过长空的流星。当时在这群流星雨极大期那晚摄于相同地点的多张照片,组合出上面这幅主题影像。不过,并不需要用种雨伞来挡流星,因为它们远在地球大气的顶层中就几乎完全汽化。合成主题影像的个别照片大多记录了一颗颗的英仙座流星,唯一的例外是拍下位在中国甘肃省酒泉市前景的那张。当时的星空背景里,有几乎悬垂的银河系中央盘面,以及左侧的木星及土星。彗星微尘的轨迹其实彼此平行,不过源自这群流星雨辐射点的流星,则看似从流星雨在同名星座的央源辐散而出。这幅影像的视野极广,因此天空的曲度,可以清楚的从英仙座流星的光痕辨识出来。
明日的图片: nova visible