Perseid Meteor, Red Sprites, and Nova RS Ophiuchus
Image Credit & Copyright: Daniel Korona
Explanation: This was an unusual sky. It wasn’t unusual because of the central band the Milky Way Galaxy, visible along the image left. Most dark skies show part of the Milky Way. It wasn’t unusual because of the bright meteor visible on the upper right. Many images taken during last week’s Perseid Meteor Shower show meteors, although this Perseid was particularly bright. This sky wasn’t unusual because of the red sprites, visible on the lower right. Although this type of lightning has only been noted in the past few decades, images of sprites are becoming more common. This sky wasn’t unusual because of the nova, visible just above the image center. Novas bright enough to be seen with the unaided eye occur every few years, with pictured Nova RS Ophiuchus discovered about a week ago. What was most unusual, though, was to capture all these things together, in a single night, on a single sky. The unusual sky occurred above Zacatecas, Mexico.
Notable APOD Image Submissions: Perseid Meteor Shower 2021
Tomorrow’s picture: deep red sky ring
影像提供与版权: Daniel Korona
说明: 这是一片特殊的星空。不过它之所以特殊,并非因为影像左侧的银河系中央盘面。因为如果夜空够幽暗,不难看到银河。也非因为右上角的火流星。因为在上星期英仙座流星雨期间拍摄的众多影像,都在记录流星,纵然这颗英仙座流星格外明亮。这片星空很特殊,也非因为影像右下角的红色精灵。虽然这种”闪电”近在20多年前才被发现,不过红色精灵的影像越来越常见。这片星空很特殊,更非因为影像中上方的新星。每肉眼可见的新星,每隔几年就会出现一颗,而影像里蛇夫RS新星,则刚发现于1星期之前。这片星空的特殊点,在于上述的这些现象出现在单一个夜晚里。这片不寻常的夜空,出现在墨西哥萨卡特卡斯市的上方。
明日的图片: deep red sky ring