A Spiral Aurora over Iceland
Image Credit & Copyright: Davide Necchi
Explanation: What’s happened to the sky? Aurora! Captured in 2015, this aurora was noted by Icelanders for its great brightness and quick development. The aurora resulted from a solar storm, with high energy particles bursting out from the Sun and through a crack in Earth’s protective magnetosphere a few days later. Although a spiral pattern can be discerned, creative humans might imagine the complex glow as an atmospheric apparition of any number of common icons. In the foreground of the featured image is the Ölfusá River while the lights illuminate a bridge in Selfoss City. Just beyond the low clouds is a nearly full Moon. The liveliness of the Sun — and likely the resulting auroras on Earth — is slowly increasing as the Sun emerges from a Solar minimum, a historically quiet period in its 11-year cycle.
Tomorrow’s picture: night sky reflected
影像提供与版权: Davide Necchi
说明: 天空发生了什么事?有极光!在2015年记录的这例极光,据冰岛当地人所言非常明亮且变化快速。这例极光的起源是从太阳风暴喷出的高能粒子,在数天之后沿着地球磁层防护罩的裂缝洒落所致。虽然这例大气光影的螺旋图案清晰可辨,但富想像力的人们也许会 联想到其他常见的形状。在这幅主题影里,前景有Ölfusá河与被灯火照亮的一座Selfoss市桥梁,而低层云后方则悬着接近满相的月轮。随着太阳从11年周期里、历史上最安静的极小期冒出来,太阳的活跃度和它所造成的地球极光活动,预期也会逐渐增加。
明日的图片: night sky reflected