Night Sky Reflected
Image Credit & Copyright: Egon Filter
Explanation: What’s that in the mirror? In the featured image of the dark southern sky, the three brightest galaxies of the night are all relatively easy to identify. Starting from the left, these are the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), and part of the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy. All three are also seen reflected in a shallow pool of water. But what is seen in the mirror being positioned by the playful astrophotographer? Dust clouds near the center of our Milky Way — and the planet Jupiter. The composite was carefully planned and composed from images captured from the same camera in the same location and during the same night in mid-2019 in Mostardas, south Brazil. The picture won first place in the Connecting to the Dark division of the International Dark-Sky Association’s Capture the Dark contest for 2021.
Quiz: What is pictured in the double-reflection below the main mirror?
Tomorrow’s picture: mars 360 panorama
影像提供与版权: Egon Filter
说明: 镜子里有什么?在这幅以幽暗南天为主题的影像里,地球夜空中最明亮的3个星系皆清楚易辨。从左侧往右,它们分别是小麦哲伦星系(SMC)、大麦哲伦星系(LMC)、和我们银河系的部分中央盘面。此外,这三个天体都在浅浅的水面映出倒影。不过,在这位爱玩的天文摄影者所放置的镜子里,到底能看到那些天体?答案是我们银河中央附近的尘埃云及木星。这幅摄于巴西南部莫斯塔达斯区、经过仔细规划的影像,是由2019年中使用同一部相机在某晚的同地点所拍摄的多张照片组合而成。这幅影像于2021年国际暗空协会所举办的记录暗空竞赛里,获得“暗空的连结”组之首奖殊荣。
测验: 主镜下方的双反射镜是什么?
明日的图片: mars 360 panorama