Sun Spot Hill
Image Credit & Copyright: Jordi Coy
Explanation: Is this giant orange ball about to roll down that tree-lined hill? No, because the giant orange ball is actually the Sun. Our Solar System’s central star was captured rising beyond a hill on Earth twelve days ago complete with a delightfully detailed foreground. The Sun’s disk showed five sunspots, quite a lot considering that during the solar minimum in solar activity of the past few years, most days showed no spots. A close look at the hill — Sierra del Cid in Perter, Spain — reveals not only silhouetted pine trees, but silhouetted people — by coincidence three brothers of the photographer. The trees and brothers were about 3.5-kilometers away during the morning of the well-planned, single-exposure image. A dark filter muted the usually brilliant Sun and brought up great detail on the lower sunspots. Within a few minutes, the Sun rose far above the hill, while within a week, the sunspots rotated around the Sun, out of view. The captured scene, however, is now frozen in time for all to enjoy.
Tomorrow’s picture: half day
影像提供与版权: Jordi Coy
说明: 这颗庞大的橙球即将滚落这座绿树林立的山丘吗?并不会!因为,这颗橙球是我们的太阳。在这幅摄于12天前、拥有细致前景的主题影像里,我们太阳系的中心星从这座山丘的后方升起。当时太阳的盘面上有5群黑子,以过去数年太阳活动极小期、大部分天数皆无黑子的标准来看,数量算是不少。仔细检视这座位在西班牙锡德山脉的山丘,除了可见到松树的剪影之外,还能看到摄影者3位意外入镜兄弟的剪影。在这幅精心规划的单曝光早晨影像里,这些树和人远在3.5公里之外。这幅影像透过减光滤镜拍摄,以降低太阳通常很明亮的炫光,并突显黑子的细微结构。短短数分钟之后,太阳高高升起远离山丘,而在一星期之内,这些太阳黑子旋到太阳后方不再得见。不过,这片冻结在时间里的景观,自此留存永为世人所共赏。
明日的图片: half day