Harvest Moon Trail
Image Credit & Copyright: Mike Cohea
Explanation: Famed in festival, story, and song the best known full moon is the Harvest Moon. For northern hemisphere dwellers that’s a traditional name of the full moon nearest the September equinox. Seen from Saunderstown, Rhode Island, planet Earth, this Harvest Moon left a broad streak of warm hues as it rose through a twilight sky over the Newport Bridge. On September 20 its trail was captured in a single 22 minute exposure using a dense filter and a digital camera. Only two days later the September equinox marked a change of season and the beginning of autumn in the north. In fact, recognizing a season as the time between solstice and equinox, this Harvest Moon was the fourth full moon of the season, coming just before the astronomical end of northern summer.
Tomorrow’s picture: Perseid meteor outburst
影像提供与版权: Mike Cohea
说明: 依据它们在节庆、传说和歌谣里的声名,最著名的满月会是获月。而对北半球的住民来说,它是传统上对离秋分最近的满月之称号。上面影像呈现从地球罗德岛州桑德斯敦看出去,所见到的今年获月,在暮光时分从新港桥的后方升起,曳出一道宽宽的暖橙色迹线。这幅摄于9月20日的影像,是由配置减光滤片的数位相机进行22分钟的长曝光之所得。出现在2天之后的秋分,则标志了季节的转换和北半球秋天的起点。如果以(夏)至到(秋)分的期间作为一季,那么出现在天文学北半球夏季终点之前的这轮获月,是今年夏季的第四个满月。
明日的图片: Perseid meteor outburst