Night of the Perseids
Video Credit & Copyright: Vikas Chander & Dorje Angchuk; Music: Tea Time via PremiumBeat
Explanation: Have you ever experienced a meteor shower? To help capture the wonder, a video was taken during the peak of the recent Perseid meteor shower above the Indian Astronomical Observatory in Hanle, India, high up in the Himalayan mountains. Night descends as the video begins, with the central plane of our Milky Way Galaxy approaching from the left and Earth-orbiting satellites zipping by overhead. During the night, the flash of meteors that usually takes less than a second is artificially extended. The green glow of most meteors is typically caused by vaporizing nickel. As the video continues, Orion rises and meteors flare above the 2-meter Himalayan Chandra Telescope and the seven barrels of the High Energy Gamma Ray Telescope (Hagar). The 2 minute 30 second movie ends with the Sun rising, preceded by a false dawn of zodiacal light.
Tomorrow’s picture: jet lightning video
影片提供与版权: Vikas Chander & Dorje Angchuk; 配乐: Tea Time via PremiumBeat
说明: 你看过流星雨吗?为了记录这种奇观,特地在刚过去的英仙座流星雨极大期间,从高踞在喜玛拉雅山脉上的印度天文台(印度韩勒)拍摄了这部影片。在这部影片开头处,夜幕降临,我们银河系的中央盘面从左方移入,而地球轨道上的人造卫星掠过天顶。其中,夜空中一般持续不到1秒的流星亮闪,经过人为加长。此外,大部分流星的泛绿辉光,通常源自汽化的镍。随着影片流转,猎户座升起,流星闪掠过2米口径的钱德拉望远镜和高能伽玛射线望远镜(Hagar)7座侦测桶的上空。这部长2分30秒的影片于日出来临结束之前,还可见到称为假黎明的黄道光。
明日的图片: jet lightning video