Juno Flyby of Ganymede and Jupiter
Video Credit: Images: NASA, JPL-Caltech, SWRI, MSSS;
Animation: Koji Kuramura, Gerald Eichstädt, Mike Stetson; Music: Vangelis
Explanation: What would it be like to fly over the largest moon in the Solar System? In June, the robotic Juno spacecraft flew past Jupiter’s huge moon Ganymede and took images that have been digitally constructed into a detailed flyby. As the featured video begins, Juno swoops over the two-toned surface of the 2,000-km wide moon, revealing an icy alien landscape filled with grooves and craters. The grooves are likely caused by shifting surface plates, while the craters are caused by violent impacts. Continuing on in its orbit, Juno then performed its 34th close pass over Jupiter’s clouds. The digitally-constructed video shows numerous swirling clouds in the north, colorful planet-circling zones and bands across the middle — featuring several white-oval clouds from the String of Pearls, and finally more swirling clouds in the south. Next September, Juno is scheduled to make a close pass over another of Jupiter’s large moons: Europa.
Tomorrow’s picture: fireball lake
影片提供: NASA, JPL-Caltech, SWRI, MSSS;
动画: Koji Kuramura, Gerald Eichstädt, Mike Stetson; 配乐: Vangelis
说明: 掠过太阳系的最大卫星会看到什么?在今年7月,朱诺号太空船掠过木星庞大的卫星木卫三,并拍下许多照片,后来经过数位合成建构出这部细致的飞越影片。在这部主题影片开头之处,朱诺号掠过这颗5,000公里宽的双色卫星的表面上方,发现它奇特的冰原满布凹槽和撞击坑。这些凹槽可能形成于表面板块的移动,而环形山则是源自剧烈的撞击事件。在轨道上持续飞掠的朱诺号,接着进行第34次近距离掠过木星云层的上方。这部数字建构的影片,记录了木星北半球难以数计的涡状云、于赤道区附近环绕整个木星的云区和云带、及珍珠串的数个白椭圆云。在结尾时,影片呈现更多南极附近的涡状云。明年9月,朱诺号计划要近距离飞越另一颗木星的大卫星——木卫二。
明日的图片: fireball lake