A Filament Leaps from the Sun
Video Credit & Copyright: Stéphane Poirier
Explanation: Why, sometimes, does part of the Sun’s atmosphere leap into space? The reason lies in changing magnetic fields that thread through the Sun’s surface. Regions of strong surface magnetism, known as active regions, are usually marked by dark sunspots. Active regions can channel charged gas along arching or sweeping magnetic fields — gas that sometimes falls back, sometimes escapes, and sometimes not only escapes but impacts our Earth. The featured one-hour time-lapse video — taken with a small telescope in France — captured an eruptive filament that appeared to leap off the Sun late last month. The filament is huge: for comparison, the size of the Earth is shown on the upper left. Just after the filament lifted off, the Sun emitted a powerful X-class flare while the surface rumbled with a tremendous solar tsunami. A result was a cloud of charged particles that rushed into our Solar System but mostly missed our Earth — this time. However, enough solar plasma did impact our Earth’s magnetosphere to create a few faint auroras.
Tomorrow’s picture: fake apods
影片提供与版权: Stéphane Poirier
说明: 为何有时候部分的太阳大气会跳入太空?这与穿透太阳表面的多变磁场有关。拥有强磁场的活跃区,通常也是黝黑太阳黑子之所在。活跃区的带电气体可沿弧状或片状的磁场喷出,这些气体可回落、脱离、或在脱离后冲撞地球。上个月底,用法国一部小望远镜拍摄的这部1小时延时影片,就补捉到一道看似从太阳跳出的爆发暗条。这道暗条非常庞大,位于左上角作为尺标的地球可为证。紧接在这例暗条喷出之后,太阳出现X级的日闪(耀斑),而太阳表面也发生剧烈的太阳海啸。随后更有大团的带电粒子冲入我们的太阳系,只是这次大多错过地球。不过,还是有足量的太阳电浆撞击地球的磁层,带来了一些淡淡的极光。
明日的图片: fake apods