Full Moonlight
Image Credit & Copyright: Zhengjie Wu and Jeff Dai (TWAN)
Explanation: A photographer in silhouette stands in bright moonlight as the Full Moon rises in this well-planned telephoto image. Of course, the Full Moon is normally the brightest lunar phase. But on November 18/19, the Full Moon’s light will be dimmed during a deep partial lunar eclipse seen across much of planet Earth. At maximum eclipse only a few percent of the lunar disk’s diameter should remain outside the Earth’s dark umbral shadow when the Moon slides close to the shadow’s southern edge. Near apogee, the farthest point in its orbit, the Moon’s motion will be slow. That should make this second lunar eclipse of 2021 an exceptionally long partial lunar eclipse. For most of North America the eclipse partial phases will be visible in predawn hours. Since eclipses tend to come in pairs, this lunar eclipse will be followed by a solar eclipse in two weeks on December 4.
Tomorrow’s picture: pixels in space
影像提供与版权: Zhengjie Wu and Jeff Dai (TWAN)
说明: 这张精心规划、摄于满月东升时分的长焦镜头影像,记录了沐浴在明亮月光里的摄影者之剪影。一般而言,满月是最明亮的月相。不过在11月18/19日那晚,当广袤地球区掝可见的大食分月偏食发生时,满月的月华将会暗淡不已。届时当月盘滑入地球暗影的南侧,在最大食分之时,只有窄窄的一抹月盘留在地球黝黑暗影的外头。此时位在离地球最远的远地点附近的月亮,移动的很缓慢。而它带来的2021年第二例月食,持续的时间会格外的长。对大部分的北美洲地区,这次的月偏食将发生在黎明之前。由于日食与月食通常成对出现,在这例月食发生2星期之后的12月4日,会再发生日食。
明日的图片: pixels in space