Lunar Eclipse over a Skyscraper
Image Credit & Copyright: Yuri Beletsky (Carnegie Las Campanas Observatory, TWAN)
Explanation: Why is the Moon on top of this building? Planning. It took the astrophotographer careful planning — including figuring out exactly where to place the camera and exactly when to take the shot — to create this striking superposition. The single image featured was taken in the early morning hours of November 19, near the peak of the partial lunar eclipse that was occurring as the Moon passed through the Earth’s shadow. At this time, almost the entire Moon — 99.1 percent of its area — was in the darkest part of the Earth’s shadow. The building is the Gran Torre Santiago building in Chile, the tallest building in South America. Although the entire eclipse lasted an impressive six hours, this image had to be taken within just a few seconds to get the alignment right — the Earth’s rotation soon moved the building out of alignment. The next Earth-Moon eclipse will be a total eclipse of the Sun that will occur on December 4 — but only be visible from the bottom of our world.
APOD Editor (RJN) Online Monday: NASA’s Best Space Images (& Videos)
Notable APOD Submissions (so far): Lunar Eclipse of 2021 November 19
Tomorrow’s picture: X-raying the Sun
影像提供与版权: Yuri Beletsky (Carnegie Las Campanas Observatory, TWAN)
说明: 这栋大楼为何顶着一轮明月?因为经过规划。在这位天文摄影者需要精心规划的事项之中,包括找出放置相机的精确位置和摄影的精确时间点,才得以完成这种非常吸睛的重合景观。这幅单曝光主题影像,摄于11月19日清晨的月偏食期间,时值月亮穿过地球暗影形成最大食分的瞬间。在那时,有99.1%的月盘沉浸在地球最暗的本影里。前景则是南美洲最高的建物,位于智利的大圣地牙哥塔。虽然整个月食历时将近6小时,然而因为地球自转很快就会把建物旋开,拍下这幅精采重合影像的时间窗只有短短数秒。下次的地球-月亮交食事件,将是12月4日的日全食,不过可见的区域只有南极洲。
APOD编辑器(RJN)周一在线: NASA的最佳太空图像(和视频)
值得注意的提交给APOD的照片(到目前为止): 2021年11月19日的月食
明日的图片: X-raying the Sun