Iridescent by Moonlight
Image Credit & Copyright: Marcella Giulia Pace
Explanation: In this snapshot from November 18, the Full Moon was not far from Earth’s shadow. In skies over Sicily the brightest lunar phase was eclipsed by passing clouds though. The full moonlight was dimmed and momentarily diffracted by small but similar sized water droplets near the edges of the high thin clouds. The resulting iridescence shines with colors like a lunar corona. On that night, the Full Moon was also seen close to the Pleiades star cluster appearing at the lower left of the iridescent cloud bank. The stars of the Seven Sisters were soon to share the sky with a darker, reddened lunar disk.
Tomorrow’s picture: eclipse plane
影像提供与版权: Marcella Giulia Pace
说明: 在11月18日拍下这幅影像时,满月离地球的暗影不远。当时在西西里岛的天空中,率先掩食这轮最明亮月轮的是飘过的云朵。而在高层薄云边缘大小均一的小水滴之绕射下,满月的亮度暂时降低。所产生的彩云,则拥有月华的诸多色泽。在那个晚上,满月和彩云左下方的昴宿星团相隔不远。不久之后,昴宿星团的成员星与月食期间的较暗泛红月盘,共同分享这片夜空。
明日的图片: eclipse plane