Comet Leonard from Space
Image Credit & Copyright: Zhuoxiao Wang, Yangwang-1 Space Telescope, Origin.Space
Explanation: What does Comet Leonard look like from space? Today’s featured image from Origin.Space’s Yangwang-1 space telescope shows not only the currently bright comet — but several other space delights as well. Taken in optical and ultraviolet light, C/2021 A1 (Leonard) is visible with an extended tail near the image center as it appeared five days ago. The Earth is visible on the lower right, while layers of the Earth’s atmosphere glow diagonally from the lower left to the upper right. The trails of two satellites can be seen in front of a myriad of distant stars that dot the background on the upper left. The faint bands of light running diagonally from the lower right to the upper left are auroras. Finally, the image also caught a meteor streaking just below the airglow. To see Comet Leonard yourself from the Earth’s surface during the next few days, look toward the western horizon just after sunset or just before sunrise.
Tomorrow’s picture: open space
影像提供与版权: Zhuoxiao Wang, Yangwang-1 Space Telescope, Origin.Space
说明: 从太空看李奥纳德彗星,其形貌何似?在这幅由起源太空仰望1号太空望远镜所拍摄的主题影像里,除了呈现这颗目前很明亮的彗星之外,还记录了数个其他的太空景观。在5天前拍下这幅可见光及紫外光组合影像之时,出现在影像中心附近的彗星C/2021 A1(李奥纳德),拖着长长的彗尾。地球则出现在影像的右下方,其明亮的大气从左下向右上延展。在左上角难以数计的遥远背景恒星前方,可见到2颗曳着迹线的人造卫星。而一道道从右下向左上伸展的暗淡光带,则是极光。此外,这幅影像还捕捉到一颗从气辉下方飞掠而过的流星。在接下来的数天之中,如想从地表观赏这颗彗星,请在刚日落后或即将日出前,往西方的地平线搜寻。
明日的图片: open space