Giant Storms and High Clouds on Jupiter
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS; Processing & License: Kevin M. Gill
Explanation: What and where are these large ovals? They are rotating storm clouds on Jupiter imaged last month by NASA’s Juno spacecraft. In general, higher clouds are lighter in color, and the lightest clouds visible are the relatively small clouds that dot the lower oval. At 50 kilometers across, however, even these light clouds are not small. They are so high up that they cast shadows on the swirling oval below. The featured image has been processed to enhance color and contrast. Large ovals are usually regions of high pressure that span over 1000 kilometers and can last for years. The largest oval on Jupiter is the Great Red Spot (not pictured), which has lasted for at least hundreds of years. Studying cloud dynamics on Jupiter with Juno images enables a better understanding of dangerous typhoons and hurricanes on Earth.
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Tomorrow’s picture: open space
影像提供: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS; 影像处理与授权: Kevin M. Gill
说明: 这些庞大的椭圆是什么?出现在何处?它们是美国国家航空航天局朱诺号太空船,上个月在木星拍下的涡旋风暴云。一般而言,愈高层的云色泽愈淡,而影像里色泽最淡的云,是散布在较低层椭圆云上方的小云朵。不过这些淡色云宽达50公里,其实不能算小。这些极高层的云,更在下方的椭圆涡状云投下影子。这幅主题影像经过特别处理,以强化其中的色泽和对比。大椭圆云通常是宽超过1000公里的高压区,而且可持续长达数年。而木星最庞大的椭圆云,则是在视野外的大红斑,据信它至少已存续了数百年。研究朱诺号木星影像所呈现的云动力学,可增进我们对地球高危害台风和飓风的了解。
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明日的图片: open space