A Retreating Thunderstorm at Sunset
Image Credit & Copyright: Alan Dyer (The Amazing Sky)
Explanation: What type of cloud is that? This retreating cumulonimbus cloud, more commonly called a thundercloud, is somewhat unusual as it contains the unusual bumpiness of a mammatus cloud on the near end, while simultaneously producing falling rain on the far end. Taken in mid-2013 in southern Alberta, Canada, the cloud is moving to the east, into the distance, as the sun sets in the west, behind the camera. In the featured image, graphic sunset colors cross the sky to give the already photogenic cloud striking orange and pink hues. A darkening blue sky covers the background. Further in the distance, a rising, waxing, gibbous moon is visible on the far right.
Tomorrow’s picture: angular space dust
影片提供与版权: Alan Dyer (The Amazing Sky)
说明: 这是那种云啊?这是一团远离的积雨云,它更广为周知的名称为雷暴云。这团云的特殊处在于近端带着乳状云特有的凹凸云底,在此同时,远端则下着滂沱大雨。在2013年中于加拿大亚伯达省南部拍下这幅主题影像之时,这团云往东退却远去,而相机后方的红日即将西沉。影像里,西天的彩霞把本来就很上相的云朵染上橙红和粉红色彩,其后方则衬着渐渐暗沉的蓝天。在影像右缘的远方,半轮渐盈的突月已然东升。
明日的图片: angular space dust