Young Star Jet MHO 2147
Image Credit & License: International Gemini Observatory / NOIRLab / NSF / AURA
Acknowledgments: L. Ferrero (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)
Explanation: Laser guide stars and adaptive optics sharpened this stunning ground-based image of stellar jets from the Gemini South Observatory, Chilean Andes, planet Earth. These twin outflows of MHO 2147 are from a young star in formation. It lies toward the central Milky Way and the boundary of the constellations Sagittarius and Ophiuchus at an estimated distance of some 10,000 light-years. At center, the star itself is obscured by a dense region of cold dust. But the infrared image still traces the sinuous jets across a frame that would span about 5 light-years at the system’s estimated distance. Driven outward by the young rotating star, the apparent wandering direction of the jets is likely due to precession. Part of a multiple star system, the young star’s rotational axis would slowly precess or wobble like a top under the gravitation influence of its nearby companions.
Tomorrow’s picture: The Full Moon and the Dancer
年轻恒星MHO 2147的喷流
影像提供与授权: International Gemini Observatory / NOIRLab / NSF / AURA
志谢: L. Ferrero (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)
说明: 在这幅来自地球·智利安地斯山脉·南双子天文台的地面恒星喷流影像里,激光导星和自适应光学技术让影像变得极为清晰。其中,源自恒星MHO 2147的外泛双极流,是年轻恒星形成过程的产物。这颗位在银河中心方向及人马座与蛇夫座交界处的恒星,距离我们约10,000光年远。它位在这片依此恒星系统距离推算约5光年宽星野的中心附近,但受到大片致密低温尘埃的遮蔽。然而所叠合的红外线影像,仍能清楚呈现源自它的蜿蜒曲折外泛喷流。这两道由旋转年轻恒星所驱动的喷流,在视觉上的曲折泛流方向,可能是自转轴发生晃动所致。这颗隶属多星系统的年轻恒星,其自转轴在邻近伴星的重力牵引之下,行如旋转陀螺般在缓缓摇晃进动。
明日的图片: The Full Moon and the Dancer