Aurora by Moonlight
Image Credit & Copyright: P-M Hedén (Clear Skies, TWAN)
Explanation: The ice was singing as light from a bright gibbous Moon cast shadows across this frozen lake, about 20 kilometers north of Stockholm, Sweden, planet Earth. In the alluring night skyscape captured on February 10, shimmering auroral curtains of light dance in the evening sky. On that northern night nature’s performance included the auroral displays fostered by a minor geomagnetic storm. Stormy space weather was the result of a coronal mass ejection, erupting from a solar prominence days earlier and brushing our fair planet’s magnetosphere.
Tomorrow’s picture: planet in the dark
影像提供与版权: P-M Hedén (Clear Skies, TWAN)
说明: 当凸月的月华撤落在这座位于地球·瑞典·斯德哥尔摩北边的冰冻湖泊,并投下这些暗影之时,湖冰在吟唱。这幅摄于2月10日的迷人夜景里,夜空中有荧荧生辉翩翩舞动的极光帘。在那个北方的夜晚,自然界诸多景观中的这些极光活动,则是由微弱的地球磁暴所触发的。造就这例地球磁暴的太空天气风暴,则是太阳在数天前发生日珥爆发,所产生的日冕物质抛射后来擦撞了地球的磁层。
明日的图片: planet in the dark