Perseverance Sol 354
Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, Processing: Kenneth Kremer
Explanation: This Navcam mosaic from Perseverance looks out over the car-sized rover’s deck, across the floor of Jezero crater on Mars. Frames used to construct the mosaic view were captured on mission sol 354. That corresponds to Earth calendar date February 17, 2022, nearly one Earth year after the rover’s landing. With a mass of over 1,000 kilograms, six-wheeled Perseverance is the heaviest rover to touch down on Mars. During its first year of exploration the rover has collected six (so far) rock core samples for later return to planet Earth, served as the base station for Ingenuity, the first helicopter on Mars, and tested MOXIE (Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment), converting some of the Red Planet’s thin, carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere into oxygen.
Tomorrow’s picture: big space swirl
影像提供: NASA, JPL-Caltech, 影像处理: Kenneth Kremer
说明: 这幅来自毅力号导航相机的组合影像,从这部小车大小的火星车甲板上方,眺望火星耶杰罗坑的坑底。用于建构这幅组合影像的照片,则摄于此任务的第354个火星日;相对应的日期为地球历2022年2月17日,在这部火星车着陆将近一周年之时。质量超过1,000公斤的六轮毅力号,是著陆在火星的最重火星车。在第一年的探索之中,这部火星车目前已收集6个未来将回送地球的岩石钻芯样品,担任火星首艘直升机灵巧号的基地,并测试MOXIE(火星氧气原位资源利用实验)模组,成功把火星富含二氧化碳的部分稀薄大气转化成氧气。
明日的图片: big space swirl