Partial Solar Eclipse over Argentina
Image Credit & Copyright: Aixa Andrada
Explanation: What’s happened to the Sun? Two days ago, parts of South America were treated to a partial solar eclipse — where the Moon blocked out part of the Sun. The featured image shows an image of the partially eclipsed Sun through clouds as it was setting over Patagonia, Argentina. In the tilted image, Earth is toward the right. During the eclipse, the Moon moved partly between Earth and the Sun. Although a visually impressive sight, the slight dimming of surroundings during this partial eclipse was less noticeable than dimming created by a thick cloud. In about two weeks, all of South America and part of North America will experience a total lunar eclipse — where the Earth moves completely between the Moon and the Sun. In about two years, a total solar eclipse will cross North America.
Tomorrow’s picture: planet tail
影像提供与版权: Aixa Andrada
说明: 太阳怎么了?2天前,南美洲的部分地区迎来了月亮遮掩部分太阳的日偏食。这幅侧倾、地球在右侧的主题影像,呈现云缝里的偏食日,落向阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚的景象。在此次日食期间,部分的月球通过地球和太阳之间。虽然这种日食景观让人印象深刻,但在这次日偏食期间,偏食为周围环境带来的变暗程度,远不如厚云所造成的减光明显。大约在2周之后,全部的南美洲和部分的北美洲地区,将会经历一次月全食;届时,地球会端端正正的穿过月球和太阳之间。大约在2年后,另一例日全食带将穿越北美洲。
明日的图片: planet tail