Firefall by Moonlight
Image Credit & Copyright: Tara Mostofi
Explanation: On certain dates in February, an elusive firefall can be spotted at sunset in Yosemite National Park, when water flows, the weather cooperates and the direction to the setting Sun is just right. Often photographed from vantage points below, at the right moment the park’s seasonal Horsetail Fall is isolated in the shadows of the steep walls of El Capitan. Then, still illuminated with rays of reddened sunlight the waterfall briefly takes on a dramatic, fiery appearance. But a Horsetail firefall can be photographed by moonlight too. Even more elusive by moonlight, the firefall effect can also be seen when a bright Moon sets at the right direction along the western horizon. And skies were clear enough for this well-planned imaging of an ephemeral Horsetail firefall, lit by a bright gibbous Moon setting in the early morning hours of April 15.
Tomorrow’s picture: the inner rings
影像提供与版权: Tara Mostofi
说明: 每年在二月的某些日子,当流水、天气条件配合、及落日的方向恰好之时,在美国加州的优胜美地国家公园可看到极难捉摸的火瀑。通常可从瀑布下方拍摄的这种景观,在适当的时间点时,这座公园季节性的马尾瀑布,会突出于高耸的酋长岩崖面之上,然后受到落日红化阳光的照耀,让瀑布短暂带着令人赞叹的舞动烈焰景观。不过,在月光中也可以拍到马尾火瀑。要出现这种更罕见的月耀火瀑,明亮的月轮要落向西方地平线的正确方向。例如在4月15日清晨拍下这幅精心规画的火瀑景观之时,当时的天空够清朗,而更有西落的明亮上弦月短暂照亮了这片火瀑。
明日的图片: the inner rings