Ice Halos by Moonlight
Image Credit & Copyright: Alan Dyer, Amazingsky.com, TWAN
Explanation: An almost full moon on April 15 brought these luminous apparitions to a northern spring night over Alberta Canada. On that night, bright moonlight refracted and reflected by hexagonal ice crystals in high clouds created a complex of halos and arcs more commonly seen by sunlight in daytime skies. While the colors of the arcs and moondogs or paraselenae were just visible to the unaided eye, a blend of exposures ranging from 30 seconds to 1/20 second was used to render this moonlit wide-angle skyscape. The Big Dipper at the top of the frame sits just above a smiling and rainbow-hued circumzenithal arc. With Arcturus left and Regulus toward the right the Moon is centered in its often spotted 22 degree halo. May 15 will also see the bright light of a Full Moon shining in Earth’s night skies. Tomorrow’s Full Moon will be dimmed for a while though, as it slides through Earth’s shadow in a total lunar eclipse.
Watch: May 15-16 Total Lunar Eclipse
Tomorrow’s picture: colors of the moon
影像提供与版权: Alan Dyer, Amazingsky.com, TWAN
说明: 在4月15日,几乎满相的月亮带来了加拿大亚伯塔省春夜天空的这些明亮幻影。在那晚,明亮的月光受到高层云六角冰晶的折射和反射,造就了影像中这些较常见诸于白画艳阳天空中的光晕与光弧复合体。这些光弧和幻月(paraselenae)的色彩虽然肉眼勉强可辨,然而这幅月光下天空的广角影像,则是使用多重30秒到1/20秒的混合曝光所记录。影像里,可见到微笑状的彩虹色环天顶弧上方、视野顶缘附近的北斗七星。此外,影像左侧有大角星,而轩辕十四在右,月亮则位于常见的22度光晕的中心。在5月15日,可再见到满月在地球的夜空中洒下明亮的月华。不过,明天的满月在滑入地球的暗影形成月全食之时,会短暂变暗。
观看: 5月15日至16日月全食
明日的图片: colors of the moon