A View from Earth’s Shadow
Image Credit & Copyright: Maxime Oudoux
Explanation: This serene sand and skyscape finds the Dune of Pilat on the coast of France still in Earth’s shadow during the early morning hours of May 16. Extending into space, the planet’s dark umbral shadow covered the Moon on that date. From that location the total phase of a lunar eclipse had begun before moonset. Still in sunlight though, the International Space Station crossed from the western horizon and Earth’s largest artificial moon traced the bright flat arc through the sky over 400 km above. Simply constructed, the well-planned panoramic scene was captured over a 5 minutes in a series of consecutive images.
Tomorrow’s picture: Abell 7
影像提供与版权: Maxime Oudoux
说明: 在摄于5月16日清晨时分的这片静谧沙滩和天空景观里,法国海岸的皮拉特沙丘仍沉浸在地球的阴影中。在那天,地球向太空伸展的黝黑本影,覆盖了月球。从海岸沙丘所在的位置看出去,月食的全食阶段启始于月落之前。而仍然沐浴在阳光中、身为地球最大人造卫星的国际太空站,在400公里高处曳着明亮平坦的光弧,掠过西方地平线的上空。这幅精心策划但构图简洁的全景图,是由摄于5分多钟期间的一系列照片整合而成。
明日的图片: Abell 7