A Deep Sky Behind an Eclipsed Moon
Image Credit & Copyright: Andrei Ionut Dascalu
Explanation: The plan was to capture a picturesque part of the sky that was hosting an unusual guest. The result included a bonus — an additional and unexpected guest. The beautiful background features part of the central band of our Milky Way galaxy on the far left, and the colorful clouds of Rho Ophiuchi in the image center. The unusual guest, a dimmed and reddened Moon on the right, was expected because the image was taken during last week’s total lunar eclipse. The timing had to be right because the Moon — both before and after eclipse — would be so bright it would overwhelm the background. The unexpected guest was the bright meteor across the image center. The fleeting meteor streak was captured on only one of the 10 consecutively-captured deep-field images from La Palma in the Spanish Canary Islands, while the eclipsed Moon image was taken immediately afterwards with the same camera and from the same location. The next total lunar eclipse — also quite expected — will occur in early November.
Notable Submissions to APOD: Total Lunar Eclipse of 2022 May
Tomorrow’s picture: lagoon twisters from hubble
影像提供与版权: Andrei Ionut Dascalu
说明: 原先的规划是要记录有不寻常访客的美丽天空。而所得的影像,却捎带了另一个意外出现的访客。这幅主题影像左缘的美丽背景,是我们银河系部分的中心盘面,而中间则有心宿增四星云的多彩云气。由于这张影像是摄于上星期的月全食期间,是以右侧的红化暗淡月亮是“预期的不寻常访客”。不过,影像拍摄的时机还是得抓准,因为月食前与后的月亮都过于明亮,皆会淹没影像背景。前面所说“意外的访客”,则是划过影像中心附近的明亮流星。当时在西班牙加纳利群岛拉帕玛岛连续拍摄的10张深空影像之中,只有一幅记录了这道稍纵即逝的流星迹,而食月影像则是紧接着使用同一部相机在相同位置所拍摄。下次的预期定然会发生的月全食,将会出现在今年的10月初。
向APOD提交的值得注意的照片: 2022年5月的月全食
明日的图片: lagoon twisters from hubble