Red Crepuscular Rays from an Eclipse
Image Credit & Copyright: Fefo Bouvier
Explanation: What’s happening behind that island? Things both expected and unexpected. Expected, perhaps, the pictured rays of light — called crepuscular rays — originate from the Sun. Unexpected, though, the Sun was being partially eclipsed by the Moon at the time — late last month. Expected, perhaps, the Sun’s rays are quite bright as they shine through gaps in below-horizon clouds. Unexpected, though, the crepuscular rays are quite red, likely the result an abundance of aerosols in Earth’s atmosphere scattering away much of the blue light. Expected, with hope, a memorable scene featuring both the Moon and the Sun, superposed. Unfortunately, from this location — in Uruguay looking toward Argentina — clouds obscured the eclipse — which wasn’t completely unexpected. However, after packing up to go home, the beauty of bright red crepuscular rays emerged — quite unexpectedly. Oh — and that island on the horizon — it’s really two islands.
Tomorrow’s picture: yellow liquid sun
影像提供与版权: Fefo Bouvier
说明: 那座岛后方发生了什么事?有些是意料之中的事,也有些是意料之外的。意料中的,或许是出现了源自太阳的线状云隙光。而在上个月底拍照的当下,摄影者并未意识到部分的太阳已被月亮遮住形成了日偏食。或许也可算是意料中的,当太阳照耀地平面下方的云朵之时,从云隙透过的阳光非常明亮。然而未预料的,是当时的地球大气可能有非常大量的气溶胶,把阳光中的蓝光散射滤除,并让云隙光变得火红。摄影者原先满怀期待,希望能拍到月亮与太阳重叠的交食景观。只不过事与愿违,从乌拉圭所在的地点往阿根廷方向远眺时,云遮住了日食。而真正完全出乎意料的,则是摄影者在打包回家之后,才发现影像记录了美丽火红的云隙光。对了!地平线上的那座岛,其实是两座。
明日的图片: yellow liquid sun