Game: Super Planet Crash
Game Credit & License: Stefano Meschiari (U. Texas at Austin) & the SAVE/Point Team
Explanation: Can you create a planetary system that lasts for 1000 years? Super Planet Crash, the featured game, allows you to try. To create up to ten planets, just click anywhere near the central star. Planet types can be selected on the left in order of increasing mass: Earth, Super-Earth, Ice giant, Giant planet, Brown dwarf, or Dwarf star. Each planet is gravitationally attracted not only to the central Sun-like star, but to other planets. Points are awarded, with bonus factors applied for increasingly crowded and habitable systems. The game ends after 1000 years or when a planet is gravitationally expelled. Many exoplanetary systems are being discovered in recent years, and Super Planet Crash demonstrates why some remain stable. As you might suspect after playing Super Planet Crash a few times, there is reason to believe that our own Solar System has lost planets during its formation.
Tomorrow’s picture: mini-spires on mars
游戏提供与授权: Stefano Meschiari (U. Texas at Austin) & the SAVE/Point Team
说明: 你能造出持续1,000年的行星系统吗?这个主题游戏“超级行星传奇”,正可让你试试手气。只要在中心恒星附近点一点,就能加入至多10颗行星。你可在左侧的清单选择不同的行星,包括地球、超级地球、冰质巨行星、巨行星、棕矮星和矮星等质量渐增的天体。每颗行星除了受到中心类太阳恒星的重力吸引之外,也受到其他行星的重力牵引。游戏的积分会随系统持续的时间增加,而越拥挤的宜居带系统可得到越多额外加分。游戏终止于1,000年时,或有任何一颗行星被重力驱逐出去之时。近年来发现了许多系外行星系统 ,而“超级行星传奇”揭示为何某些系统会稳定存在。在玩了“超级行星传奇”数次之后,你或许会不禁纳闷:我们的太阳系在形成之初,是否也遗失了一些行星?
明日的图片: mini-spires on mars