Analemma over Taipei
Image Credit & Copyright: Meiying Lee
Explanation: Does the Sun return to the same spot on the sky every day? No. A better and more visual answer to that question is an analemma, a composite of images taken at the same time and from the same place over the course of a year. The featured analemma was compiled at 4:30 pm many afternoons from Taiwan during 2021, with the city skyline of Taipei in the foreground, including tall Taipei 101. The Sun’s location in December — at the December solstice — is shown on the far left, while its location at the June solstice is captured on the far right. Also shown are the positions of the Sun throughout the rest of the day on the solstices and equinoxes. Today is the June solstice of 2022, the day in Earth’s northern hemisphere when the Sun spends the longest time in the sky. In many countries, today marks the official beginning of a new season, for example winter in Earth’s southern hemisphere.
Tomorrow’s picture: big boom debris
影像提供与版权: Meiying Lee(李美英)
说明: 太阳每天都会回到天空的同一点吗?不会。此问题较好也较直观的答案为日行迹,一种在一年之中,从同时间同地点所拍摄的太阳影像之组合图。上面这张日行迹主题影像,是由摄于台湾下午4点的多幅2021年照片所组成,影像前景为包括台北101大楼在内的台北市天际线。其中,十二月冬至的太阳在最左侧,六月夏至的太阳在最右侧。此外,影像也呈现春分、秋分、夏至、及冬至当天的太阳迹线。今天是2022年的夏至,也是地球的北半球日照时间最长的一天。在许多国家,今天也标记了新季节的起点,例如在南半球,今天是冬季的第一天。
明日的图片: big boom debris