Planets of the Solar System
Image Credit & Copyright: Antonio Canaveras, Chiara Tronci, Giovanni Esposito, Giuseppe Conzo, Luciana Guariglia, (Gruppo Astrofili Palidoro)
Explanation: Simultaneous images from four cameras were combined to construct this atmospheric predawn skyscape. The cooperative astro-panorama captures all the planets of the Solar System, just before sunrise on June 24. That foggy morning found innermost planet Mercury close to the horizon but just visible against the twilight, below and left of brilliant Venus. Along with the waning crescent Moon, the other bright naked-eye planets, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn lie near the ecliptic, arcing up and to the right across the wide field of view. Binoculars would have been required to spot the much fainter planets Uranus and Neptune, though they also were along the ecliptic in the sky. In the foreground are excavations at an ancient Roman villa near Marina di San Nicola, Italy, planet Earth.
Tomorrow’s picture: echo monoceros
影像提供与版权: Antonio Canaveras, Chiara Tronci, Giovanni Esposito, Giuseppe Conzo, Luciana Guariglia, (Gruppo Astrofili Palidoro)
说明: 由4部相机同时拍摄的照片,组合出这片黎明前空灵的天空景观。这幅协力合作的天文全景图,捕捉到6月24日天空中所有的太阳系行星。在那个雾蒙蒙的早晨,最内围的水星低悬在地平线上方,在明亮金星下方的曙光中勉强显现身影。影像中,除了弯弯的残月之外,其他位在黄道附近、于辽阔视野里向右上弯曲排列的肉眼可见明亮行星有:火星、木星和土星。而尽管也高悬在天空的黄道上,但极为昏暗的天王星和海王星需要使用双筒望远镜才得见。影像的前景为地球意大利Marina di San Nicola地区的一处古罗马别墅的考古挖掘现场。
明日的图片: echo monoceros