The Solar System’s Planet Trails
Image Credit & Copyright: Zheng Zhi
Explanation: Stars trail through a clear morning sky in this postcard from a rotating planet. The timelapse image is constructed from consecutive exposures made over nearly three hours with a camera fixed to a tripod beside the Forbidden City in Beijing, China on June 24. Arcing above the eastern horizon after the series of exposures began, a waning crescent Moon left the brightest streak and watery reflection. On that date the planets of the Solar System were also lined up along the ecliptic and left their own trails before sunrise. Saturn was first to rise on that morning and the ringed planet’s trail starts close to the top right edge, almost out of the frame. Innermost planet Mercury rose only just before the Sun though. It left the shortest trail, visible against the twilight near the horizon at the far left. Uranus and Neptune are faint and hard to find, but mingled with the star trails the Solar System’s planet trails are all labeled in the scene.
Tomorrow’s picture: analemmas from a can
影像提供与版权: Zheng Zhi
说明: 在这张来自旋转行星的夜景明信片里,恒星曳着迹线穿过清朗的早晨天空。这幅记录于6月24日的缩时影像,建构自放在中国北京紫禁城旁的一部用三脚架固定之相机,于将近3小时期间连续拍摄的多张照片。在开始记录影像序列之后,一轮残月在东方地平线上方,划出了带有水面倒影的那道最明亮的迹线弧。而在那天,沿着黄道排列的太阳系行星,也在日出前各自曳出迹线。当天早晨最早起的是土星,这颗环系行星的迹线起始于右上角附近,几乎超出视框。而只比太阳稍早升起的最内围行星─水星,留下左侧地平线曙光里依稀可见的最短迹线。暗淡的天王星及海王星之迹线,则与恒星的迹线混杂在一起难以分辨。这幅影像中的太阳系行星迹线皆已加上标记。
明日的图片: analemmas from a can