The NGC 6914 Complex
Image Credit & Copyright: Giorgio Ferrari
Explanation: A study in contrasts, this colorful skyscape features stars, dust, and glowing gas in the vicinity of NGC 6914. The interstellar complex of nebulae lies some 6,000 light-years away, toward the high-flying northern constellation Cygnus and the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy. Obscuring interstellar dust clouds appear in silhouette while reddish hydrogen emission nebulae, along with the dusty blue reflection nebulae, fill the cosmic canvas. Ultraviolet radiation from the massive, hot, young stars of the extensive Cygnus OB2 association ionize the region’s atomic hydrogen gas, producing the characteristic red glow as protons and electrons recombine. Embedded Cygnus OB2 stars also provide the blue starlight strongly reflected by the dust clouds. The over 1 degree wide telescopic field of view spans about 100 light-years at the estimated distance of NGC 6914.
Tomorrow’s picture: star treels
复合星云NGC 6914
影像提供与版权: Giorgio Ferrari
说明: 这张呈现NGC 6914附近恒星、尘埃及明亮气体的彩色星空影像,是研究天体对比的绝佳范本。这个星际星云复合体,位在天鹅座的银河盘面方向,离我们约有6,000光年远。在这幅宇宙画作里,可见到以剪影之姿现身的不透光星际尘埃云(暗星云)、发出氢红色辉光的发射星云、与含有大量尘埃的泛蓝反射星云。其中,来自庞大天鹅OB2星协的大质量炽热年轻恒星之紫外辐射,电离此区域的原子氢气,当质子和电子复合时,发出了泛红的特征辉光。此外,嵌在云气内的天鹅座OB2星协之成员星,所发出星光里的蓝光,大量受尘埃云的反射(反射星云)。这张宽超过1度的望远镜视野,涵盖了NGC 6914所在位置约100光年的区域。
明日的图片: star treels