Saturn and the ISS
Image Credit & Copyright: Tom Glenn
Explanation: Soaring high in skies around planet Earth, bright planet Saturn was a star of June’s morning planet parade. But very briefly on June 24 it posed with a bright object in low Earth orbit, the International Space Station. On that date from a school parking lot in Temecula, California the ringed-planet and International Space Station were both caught in this single high-speed video frame. Though Saturn was shining at +0.5 stellar magnitude the space station was an even brighter -3 on the magnitude scale. That difference in brightness is faithfully represented in the video capture frame. In the challenging image, the orbiting ISS was at a range of 602 kilometers. Saturn was about 1.4 billion kilometers from the school parking lot.
Tomorrow’s picture: gaze into the cat’s eye
影像提供与版权: Tom Glenn
说明: 高悬在地球天空中的明亮土星,是6月清晨行星大游行的明星。但在6月24日极短暂的期间,它有低地球轨道上的明亮物体(国际空间站)为伴。在那天摄于加州特曼库拉市一所学校的停车场的这幅高速摄影机影片定格里,这颗环系行星和国际空间站同时入镜。当时土星的亮度是+0.5等,空间站则是更明亮的-3等,而这张定格影像却能忠实的呈现它的亮度差异。在这张高难度的影像里,轨道上的国际空间站距离为602公里,土星则距离这座学校停车场约14亿公里远。
明日的图片: gaze into the cat’s eye