Earth’s Recent Climate Spiral
Video Credit: NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio
Explanation: Is our Earth warming? Compared to the past 250 million years, the Earth is currently enduring a relative cold spell, possibly about four degrees Celsius below average. Over the past 120 years, though, data indicate that the average global temperature of the Earth has increased by nearly one degree Celsius. The featured visualization video depicts Earth’s recent global warming in graphic terms. The depicted temperatures are taken from the Goddard Institute for Space Studies’ Surface Temperature Analysis. Already noticeable by many, Earth’s recent warming trend is causing sea levels to rise, precipitation patterns to change, and pole ice to melt. Few now disagree that recent global warming is occurring, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has concluded that we humans have created a warming surge that is likely to continue. A continuation could impact many local agricultures and even the global economy. Although there seems to be no simple solutions, geoengineering projects that might help include artificial cloud creation to reduce the amount of sunlight heating the Earth’s surface.
Tomorrow’s picture: meteor mediterranean
影片提供: NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio
说明: 我们的地球在暖化吗?与先前的2.5亿年比较,地球目前正经历一段相对寒冷的时期,温度可能比平均要低约摄氏4度。然而,在过去的120年中,数据显示地球的全球平均温度上升了接近摄氏1度。这部视像化的主题影片,以图示的形式呈现地球最近的全球暖化。影片所呈现的温度变化,取自戈达德太空研究所的地表温度分析。许多人注意到,地球最近的暖化趋势,正在造成海平面上升、降水型态发生改变、与极冰融解。现在几乎没人不同意最近正在发生全球暖化,而政府间气候变迁委员会(IPCC)得出的结论是:人类所造成的暖化飙升可能会持续下去。这种持续暖化,可能会影响许多地区农业,甚至冲击全球经济。尽管目前似乎没有简单的解方,但是包括人造云在内的一些地球工程计画,或许能降低会让地表升温的阳光入射量。
明日的图片: meteor mediterranean