A Furious Sky over Mount Shasta
Image Credit & Copyright: Ralf Rohner
Explanation: Is the sky angry with Mount Shasta? According to some ancient legends, the spirits of above and below worlds fight there, sometimes quite actively during eruptions of this enormous volcano in California, USA. Such drama can well be imagined in this deep sky image taken in late June. Evident above the snow-covered peak is the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy, on the left, and a picturesque sky toward the modern constellations of Scorpius and Ophiuchus, above and to the right. The bright orange star Antares and the colorful rho Ophiuchi cloud complex are visible just to the right of Mount Shasta, while the red emission nebula surrounding the star zeta Ophiuchi appears on the top right. The static earth image in the featured composite was taken during the blue hour, while a two-panel panorama tracking the background sky was taken later that night with the same camera and from the same location. Within a few million years, Antares, some stars in the rho Ophiuchi system, and zeta Ophiuchi will all likely explode as supernovas.
Tomorrow’s picture: asteroid safety
影像提供与版权: Ralf Rohner
说明: 天空因对沙斯塔山(Mount Shasta)生气而面红耳赤吗?根据古老的传说,天界和冥界的神灵在此山的山顶进行争战,尤以在美国加州这座庞然大火山发生喷发时特别激烈。而在这幅摄于今年6月下旬的深空影像里,上述的这种戏剧化场景并不难想像。影像里,在银装素裹的雪峰上方的星空中,左侧有银河系的中央盘面,上及右侧有天蝎座及蛇夫座方向风景如画的星空。在沙斯塔山的右侧,可见至明亮橙红的心宿二和色彩缤纷的蛇夫心宿增四星云复合体,而右上角有环拱在蛇夫座韩(天市右桓十一;Zeta Ophiuchi)周围的泛红色发射星云。在这幅组合主题影像里,地球的静态景观摄于蓝色时分,而呈现背景星空的双图板全景,则是用同一相部机摄于相同位置。在数百万年之内,心宿二、蛇夫心宿增四系统中的某些恒星、以及蛇夫韩都可能发生超新星爆炸。
明日的图片: asteroid safety