Equinox Sunrise Around the World
Collage Image Copyright: Luca Vanzella
Explanation: A planet-wide collaboration resulted in this remarkable array of sunrise photographs taken around the September 2022 equinox. The images were contributed by 24 photographers, one in each of 24 nautical time zones around the world. Unlike more complicated civil time zone boundaries, the 24 nautical time zones are simply 15 degree longitude bands corresponding to 1 hour steps that span the globe. Start at the upper right for the first to experience a sunrise in the nautical time zone corresponding to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) + 12 hours. In that time zone, the photographer was located in Christchurch, New Zealand. Travel to the west by looking down the column and then moving to the column toward the left for later sunrises as the time zone offset in hours from UTC decreases. Or, you can watch a video of September 2022 equinox sunrises around planet Earth.
Tomorrow’s picture: Observe the Moon
影像提供与版权: Luca Vanzella
说明: 一项全球性的合作计画,造就这幅摄于2022年9月秋分附近的一系列之精采日出影像。这些照片是由24位摄影者所提供,他们分别来自全球的24个航海时区。而与复杂的民用时区边界有别的是:24个航海时区只是简单的15度经度区划分,对应于涵盖全球、长1小时的24个时区。从右上角开始,第一个见到日出的航海时区,是协调世界时(UTC)+12时区。在此时区的摄影者,位在纽西兰的基督城。沿着同一列往下看对应于向西移动,每向左跳一行,可见到晚4小时时区的日出,而所对应的世界时也随之递减。嫌麻烦的话,或者你可以直接观看这部记录2022年9月秋分全球各地日出的影片。
明日的图片: Observe the Moon