Eclipse in the City
Image Credit & Copyright: Stan Honda
Explanation: A darker Moon sets over Manhattan in this night skyscape. The 16 frame composite was assembled from consecutive exposures recorded during the November 8 total lunar eclipse. In the timelapse sequence stars leave short trails above the urban skyline, while the Moon remains immersed in Earth’s shadow. But the International Space Station was just emerging from the shadow into the sunlit portion of its low Earth orbit. As seen from New York City, the visible streak of this ISS flyover starts near a star in Taurus and tracks right to left, through the belt of Orion and over Sirius, alpha star of Canis Major. Gaps along the bright trail of the fast moving orbital outpost (and an aircraft flying closer to the horizon) mark the time between individual exposures in the sequence. The trail of bright planet Mars is at the top of the frame. Pleiades star cluster trails are high over the eclipsed Moon and Empire State Building.
Lunar Eclipse of November 2022: Notable Submissions to APOD
Love Eclipses? (US): Apply to become a NASA Partner Eclipse Ambassador
Tomorrow’s picture: identified flying object
图像提供与版权: Stan Honda
说明: 在这幅夜空图像里,悬在曼哈顿上空的暗红满月正在西沉。这幅主题图像,是由11月8日的月全食期间连续拍摄之16帧照片所组成。在这幅缩时序列图像里,恒星于城市天际线上方曳出短短的星轨,而月亮仍然沉浸在地球的影子中。而国际空间站也刚从地球的暗影里冒出来,进入了其低地球轨道的日曜区。从纽约市看出去,国际空间站拖曳的光痕起始于金牛座的一颗恒星附近,然后从右向左,穿过猎户腰带和大犬座最明亮的天狼星上方。这个快速移动的地球轨道前哨站(以及地平线附近的飞机)明亮迹线上的间隙,标示了图像序列中每次曝光后的间歇。除此之外,火星明亮的迹线出现在图像顶缘附近,昴宿星团的迹线,则高悬在全食月及帝国大厦的上空。
2022年11月的月食: 向APOD提交的值得注意的照片
热爱月食?(美国): 申请成为NASA合作伙伴月食大使
明日的图片: identified flying object