Supernumerary Rainbows over New Jersey
Image Credit & Copyright: John Entwistle
Explanation: Yes, but can your rainbow do this? After the remnants of Hurricane Florence passed over the Jersey Shore, New Jersey, USA in 2018, the Sun came out in one direction but something quite unusual appeared in the opposite direction: a hall of rainbows. Over the course of a next half hour, to the delight of the photographer and his daughter, vibrant supernumerary rainbows faded in and out, with at least five captured in this featured single shot. Supernumerary rainbows only form when falling water droplets are all nearly the same size and typically less than a millimeter across. Then, sunlight will not only reflect from inside the raindrops, but interfere, a wave phenomenon similar to ripples on a pond when a stone is thrown in. In fact, supernumerary rainbows can only be explained with waves, and their noted existence in the early 1800s was considered early evidence of light’s wave nature.
Your Sky Surprise: What picture did APOD feature on your birthday? (post 1995)
Tomorrow’s picture: birth meteors
图像提供与版权: John Entwistle
说明: 你看过的彩虹有这么精采吗?2018年,在飓风佛罗伦萨的尾流扫过美国.新泽西州.泽西海岸之后,太阳从另一侧升起,而反向的天空则出现极不寻常的景观:整群的彩虹。在接下来的半小时之中,让摄影者和他的女儿兴奋莫名的是:色泽鲜活的复虹来来去去,而这幅单曝光主题图像记录了至少5道彩虹。复虹只有在飘落的小水滴,大小几乎均一而且直径小于1毫米时才会形成。此时,阳光不只是从水滴内部反射,而且还会发生干涉,形成酷似掷石入塘所激发出的涟漪。事实上,也只能用波的现象来解释复虹,而它们在18世纪初的观测记录,咸认是光的波动特质之早期支持证据。(Supernumerary rainbows复虹)
你的天空惊喜: APOD在你生日那天发布了什么照片?(1995年后)
明日的图片: birth meteors