Video: Powers of Ten
Video Credit & Copyright: Charles & Ray Eames (Eames Office)
Explanation: How different does the universe look on very small scales? On very large scales? The most famous short science film of its generation gives breathtaking comparisons. That film, Powers of Ten, originally created in the 1960s, has been officially posted to YouTube and embedded here. From a picnic blanket near Chicago out past the Virgo Cluster of Galaxies, every ten seconds the film zooms out to show a square a factor of ten times larger on each side. The 9-minute video then reverses, zooming back in a factor of ten every two seconds and ends up inside a single proton. The Powers of Ten sequence is actually based on the book Cosmic View by Kees Boeke in 1957, as is a similar but mostly animated film Cosmic Zoom that was also created in the late 1960s. The changing perspectives are so enthralling and educational that sections have been recreated using more modern computerized techniques, including the first few minutes of the movie Contact. Ray and husband Charles Eames, the film’s creators, were known as quite visionary spirits and even invented their own popular chair.
Tomorrow’s picture: seven sister stars
视频: 10的幂次
视频提供与版权: Charles & Ray Eames(Eames Office)
说明: 极小与极大尺度宇宙的样貌有多大差异呢?这部它那年代最著名的科学短片,呈现了一些引人赞叹的比较。这部首作于1960年代的视频《10的幂次》,目前已正式放在YouTube平台上并可见诸于上面的嵌图里。轻点视频上的播放键,即可观看到这部全长9分钟的视频。图像从美国芝加哥附近的野餐毯伊始直到越过了室女座星系团方止,每10秒缩小10倍,呈现一个边长比先前的正方形要大上10倍之区域。然后,开始返程,每2秒放大10倍,视频最后终止于一颗质子之内。《10的幂次》参考了1957年Kees Boeke所着的《宇宙观》一书,此外,也和1960年代末期以动漫为主体的《宇宙大观》视频颇为类似。不断变化视野的手法非常引人入胜,也具有很高的教育性,因此引来许多利用较近代电脑科技重现的案例,例如《接触未来(Contact)》电影的前几分钟。这部视频的制作者雷与夫婿查尔斯.伊密斯大有梦想家的特质,他们甚至发明了颇为流行的椅子。(Powers of Ten 10的幂次)
明日的图片: seven sister stars