Space Stations in Low Earth Orbit
Image Credit & Copyright: Zarcos Palma
Explanation: On January 3, two space stations already illuminated by sunlight in low Earth orbit crossed this dark predawn sky. Moving west to east (left to right) across the composited timelapse image China’s Tiangong Space Station traced the upper trail captured more than an hour before the local sunrise. Seen against a starry background Tiangong passes just below the inverted Big Dipper asterism of Ursa Major near the peak of its bright arc, and above north pole star Polaris. But less than five minutes before, the International Space Station had traced its own sunlit streak across the dark sky. Its trail begins just above the W-shape outlined by the bright stars of Cassiopeia near the northern horizon. The dramatic foreground spans an abandoned mine at Achada do Gamo in southeastern Portugal.
Tomorrow’s picture: where you come from
图像提供与版权: Zarcos Palma
说明: 1月3日在黎明前幽暗的天空中,有2座位于低地球轨道上,受到阳光照耀的空间站飞掠而过。在这幅缩时组合图像里,中国的天宫空间站从西向东飞(左到右),在日出前1个多小时的这片夜空中曳出上方的迹线。在背景点点繁星的衬托下,于迹线的最高点时,天宫号从倒悬的著名的大熊座星官北斗七星下方及北极星的上方通过。而在稍早的5多分钟前,国际空间站在幽暗的天空中曳出自己的日曜迹线。其迹线,起始于悬在北方地平线附近的仙后座的明亮W形恒星群之上方。这幅图像戏剧性的前景,是位于葡萄牙东南部Achada do Gamo区的一座废弃矿井。
明日的图片: where you come from