Naked-eye Comet ZTF
Image Credit & Copyright: Óscar Martín Mesonero (Organización Salmantina de la Astronáutica y el Espacio)
Explanation: Comet C/2022E3 (ZTF) is no longer too dim to require a telescope for viewing. By January 19, it could just be seen with the naked eye in this rural sky with little light pollution from a location about 20 kilometers from Salamanca, Spain. Still, telescopic images are needed to show any hint of the comet’s pretty green coma, stubby whitish dust tail, and long ion tail. Its faint ion tail has been buffeted by recent solar activity. This visitor from the distant Oort cloud rounded the Sun on January 12. and is now sweeping through stars near the northern boundary of the constellation Bootes. Outward bound but still growing brighter, Comet ZTF makes its closest approach on February 2, coming to within about 2.4 light-minutes of our fair planet.
Tomorrow’s picture: in green company
图像提供与版权: Óscar Martín Mesonero (Organización Salmantina de la Astronáutica y el Espacio)
说明: 彗星C/2022 E3 (ZTF) 不再是过于昏暗要靠望远镜才得见的天体。于1月19日,在离西班牙萨拉曼卡约20公里远的这片几乎无光污染的郊野天空中,它已增亮到肉眼勉强可见的程度。尽管如此,想要清楚见到它美丽的泛绿彗发、粗短的白色尘尾、及长长的离子尾,仍然需要借助望远镜所拍摄的图像。它暗淡的离子尾,最近受到太阳活动的冲击。这颗来自遥远欧特云的访客,已于1月12日旋绕过太阳,目前正在牧夫座北方边界附近的恒星之间飞掠。逐渐远离的ZTF彗星仍然持续增亮,在2月2日最接近地球之时,离我们美丽的地球将不到2.4光分。
明日的图片: in green company