In Green Company: Aurora over Norway
Image Credit & Copyright: Max Rive
Explanation: Raise your arms if you see an aurora. With those instructions, two nights went by with, well, clouds — mostly. On the third night of returning to same peaks, though, the sky not only cleared up but lit up with a spectacular auroral display. Arms went high in the air, patience and experience paid off, and the creative featured image was captured as a composite from three separate exposures. The setting is a summit of the Austnesfjorden fjord close to the town of Svolvear on the Lofoten islands in northern Norway. The time was early 2014. Although our Sun passed the solar minimum of its 11-year cycle only a few years ago, surface activity is picking up and already triggering more spectacular auroras here on Earth.
Tomorrow’s picture: dueling galaxies
绿光的国度: 挪威上空的极光
图像提供与版权: Max Rive
说明: 看见极光时请举手。虽然心里悬着这个指示,但是连续二个晚上基本上见到的只是云朵。在第三晚重登顶峰时,天空不但澄彻,而且被满天精采的极光妆点得晶亮。高举着胜利的双手,因为除了耐心和经验终于得到回报之外,使用所拍下的3张照片,也得以组合出这幅主题图像。图像里的山峰,位在挪威北部罗弗敦群岛Svolvear镇附近的Austnesfjorden峡湾。拍照的时间则是在2014年的年初。虽然太阳在数年前才刚从11年活动周期的极小期出来,不过它的表面活动快速增加,并在地球上触发非常多的精采极光。
明日的图片: dueling galaxies