Comet ZTF over Mount Etna
Image Credit & Copyright: Dario Giannobile
Explanation: Comet-like plumes are blowing over the volcanic peaks of Mount Etna in this wintry mountain-and-skyscape from planet Earth. The stacked and blended combination of individual exposures recorded during the cold night of January 23, also capture naked-eye Comet ZTF just above Etna’s snowy slopes. Of course increasing sunlight and the solar wind are responsible for the comet’s greenish coma and broad dusty tail. This weekend Comet ZTF is dashing across northern skies between north star Polaris and the Big Dipper. From a dark site you can only just spot it as a fuzzy patch though. That’s still an impressive achievement if you consider you are gazing at a visitor from the distant Oort cloud with your own eyes. But binoculars or a small telescope will make for an even more enjoyable view of this Comet ZTF in the coming days.
Comet ZTF Gallery: Notable Submissions to APOD
Tomorrow’s picture: dark marking on the sky
图像提供与版权: Dario Giannobile
说明: 在这片来自地球的冬季山景和星空景观里,彗星般的羽状烟尘正拂过埃特纳火山的顶峰。这幅由摄于1月23日寒夜的多张相片叠合及拼接而成的图像,还记录了悬在埃特纳火山雪坡上方、裸视可见的ZTF彗星。想当然耳,越来越强的阳光和太阳风,是这颗彗星发展出泛绿彗发和宽阔尘尾的主因。在本周末,ZTF彗星将掠过北极星和北斗七星之间的北方天空。然而,纵然是从幽暗的地点看出去,也只能勉强认出它弥漫的身影。不过,如果再想想你肉眼看到的是来自遥远欧特云的访客,这仍然是很大的成就。在未来的数天,如使用双筒或小望远镜观赏,将会让ZTF彗星的景观更加赏心悦目。
彗星ZTF画廊: 提交给APOD的值得注意的作品
明日的图片: dark marking on the sky