Equinox at the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent
Image Credit & Copyright: Robert Fedez
Explanation: To see the feathered serpent descend the Mayan pyramid requires exquisite timing. You must visit El Castillo — in Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula — near an equinox. Then, during the late afternoon if the sky is clear, the pyramid’s own shadows create triangles that merge into the famous illusion of a slithering viper. Also known as the Temple of Kukulkan, the impressive step-pyramid stands 30 meters tall and 55 meters wide at the base. Built up as a series of square terraces by the pre-Columbian civilization between the 9th and 12th century, the structure can be used as a calendar and is noted for astronomical alignments. The featured composite image was captured in 2019 with Jupiter and Saturn straddling the diagonal central band of our Milky Way galaxy. Tomorrow marks another equinox — not only at Temple of Kukulcán, but all over planet Earth.
Tomorrow’s picture: expanding supernova
图像提供与版权: Robert Fedez
说明: 要见到羽蛇神滑下马雅金字塔,时间要算得相当准。首先,你得在春分/秋分左右,造访位在墨西哥尤卡坦半岛的羽蛇神庙。接着,那天傍晚的天空要够清朗,让这座金字塔投射的三角形影子和地面的蛇头相接,形成著名的吐信爬行毒蛇幻影。亦名为库库尔坎神庙(羽蛇神庙)的这座壮观阶梯金字塔,是由一层层方形平台叠成的结构,高30公尺,底宽55公尺。是由哥伦布抵达美洲前的文明,在公元9到12世之间所建造。此建物具有历算的功能,并以拥有多重的天文对齐景观著称。在这幅摄于2019年的主题图像里,土星和木星(右)分落在斜贯而过银河的二侧。对羽蛇神庙来说明天又是春分,放诸全球各地也皆如是(译注:+8时区的春分落在后天3月21日)。
明日的图片: expanding supernova