Solar Eclipse from Western Australia
Image Credit & Copyright: Gwenaël Blanck
Explanation: Along a narrow path that mostly avoided landfall, the shadow of the New Moon raced across planet Earth’s southern hemisphere on April 20 to create a rare annular-total or hybrid solar eclipse. A mere 62 seconds of totality could be seen though, when the dark central lunar shadow just grazed the North West Cape, a peninsula in western Australia. From top to bottom these panels capture the beginning, middle, and end of that fleeting total eclipse phase. At start and finish, solar prominences and beads of sunlight stream past the lunar limb. At mid-eclipse the central frame reveals the sight only easily visible during totality and most treasured by eclipse chasers, the magnificent corona of the active Sun. Of course eclipses tend to come in pairs. On May 5, the next Full Moon will just miss the dark inner part of Earth’s shadow in a penumbral lunar eclipse.
Total Solar Eclipse of 2023 April Gallery: Notable Submissions to APOD
Watch: Planet Earth’s annual Lyrid Meteor Shower
Tomorrow’s picture: light-weekend
影像提供与版权: Gwenaël Blanck
说明: 在4月20日,沿着一道基本上避开陆地的狭窄路径,新月的影子飞掠过地球的南半球,带来一例结合了日环食与日全食的罕见混合日食。而持续仅有短短62秒的日全食,只有黝黑的月亮本影,刚好擦过西澳大利亚的半岛–西北角之时才得见。这些从上到下排列的图板,记录了短暂的日全食期间的食既、食甚及和生光等阶段。于食既及生光阶段,可在月亮临边见到日珥及阳光穿过凹谷形成的亮珠。在呈现日全食中点食甚的中间图板里,可见到追日食者最珍爱、只有在全食阶段才得见的活跃太阳之壮丽日冕。当然,日食往往是成对出现的。在5月5日,下一轮满月将擦过地球黝黑本影的边缘,形成一次半影月食。
2023年4月日全食画廊: 向APOD提交的值得注意的作品
观看: 一年一度的天琴座流星雨
明日的图片: light-weekend