Observatory Aligned with Moon Occulting Jupiter
Image Credit & Copyright: Rick Whitacre; Text: Natalia Lewandowska (SUNY Oswego)
Explanation: Sometimes we witness the Moon moving directly in front of — called occulting — one of the planets in our Solar System. Earlier this month that planet was Jupiter. Captured here was the moment when Jupiter re-appeared from behind the surface of our Moon. The Moon was in its third quarter, two days before the dark New Moon. Now, our Moon is continuously half lit by the Sun, but when in its third quarter, relatively little of that half can be seen from the Earth. Pictured, the Moon itself was aligned behind the famous Lick Observatory in California, USA, on the summit of Mount Hamilton. Coincidentally, Lick enabled the discovery of a moon of Jupiter: Amalthea, the last visually detected moon of Jupiter after Galileo‘s observations.
Gallery: Moon Occults Jupiter in 2023 May: Notable Submissions to APOD
Tomorrow’s picture: in a cat’s eye
影像提供与版权: Rick Whitacre; 文稿: Natalia Lewandowska (SUNY Oswego)
说明: 有时候,我们会看到月亮从我们太阳系的某颗行星前方通过,带来了称为月掩星的景观。在本月稍早受掩的行星是木星。这幅影像所记录的是木星从月表后方复现的那瞬间,而当时的月亮,则是比新月早二月龄的下弦月。我们的月亮总是有半边受到阳光的照耀,然而于下弦月期间,在地球上可见的月面远少于一半。上图里的月亮,则是悬在美国加州汉密尔顿山顶的著名里克天文台的后方。巧合的是,里克天文台也是木星的木卫五(Amalthea)之发现基地,而它也是伽利略发现木星的卫星之后,最后一颗直接经由目视所发现的木星卫星。
画廊: 2023年5月月掩木星: 提交给APOD的值得注意的作品
明日的图片: in a cat’s eye