Galactic Cirrus: Mandel Wilson 9
Image Credit & Copyright: Gabriel Rodrigues Santos
Explanation: The combined light of stars along the Milky Way are reflected by these cosmic dust clouds that soar 300 light-years or so above the plane of our galaxy. Known to some as integrated flux nebulae and commonly found at high galactic latitudes, the dusty galactic cirrus clouds are faint. But they can be traced over large regions of the sky toward the North and South Galactic poles. Along with the reflection of starlight, studies indicate the dust clouds produce a faint reddish luminescence as interstellar dust grains convert invisible ultraviolet radiation to visible red light. Also capturing nearby Milky Way stars and distant background galaxies, this remarkably deep, wide-field image explores a complex of faint galactic cirrus known as Mandel Wilson 9. It spans over three degrees across planet Earth’s skies toward the far southern constellation Apus.
Tomorrow’s picture: light-weekend
银河卷云:Mandel Wilson 9
影像提供与版权: Gabriel Rodrigues Santos
说明: 银河繁星的集体星光,会受到银河系盘面上方约300光年高处的这些宇宙尘埃云之反射。这些通常出现在高银纬区、亦称为共照耀星云(IFN)的银河尘埃卷云,非常昏暗。不过,它们占据了北天极与南天极附近的大片区域。除了会反射星光之外,研究显示这些星际尘埃云的微粒,也会把不可见的紫外辐射转化成可见的红光,因此让星云发出淡淡的红光。这幅也记录了邻近银河系恒星和遥远背景星系的极深空宽场影像,探索了名为Mandel Wilson 9的昏淡银河卷云复合体。这片银河卷云位在南天的天燕座方向,于地球天空中绵延了超过3度的区域。 (Mandel-Wilson 9 曼德尔-威尔逊9)
明日的图片: light-weekend