Meteors along the Milky Way
Image Credit & Copyright: Ali Hosseini Nezhad
Explanation: Under dark and mostly moonless night skies, many denizens of planet Earth were able to watch this year’s Perseid meteor shower. Seen from a grassy hillside from Shiraz, Iran these Perseid meteors streak along the northern summer Milky Way before dawn on Sunday, August 13. Frames used to construct the composited image were captured near the active annual meteor shower’s peak between 02:00 AM and 04:30 AM local time. Not in this night skyscape, the shower’s radiant in the heroic constellation Perseus is far above the camera’s field of view. But fans of northern summer nights can still spot a familiar asterism. Formed by bright stars Deneb, Vega, and Altair, the Summer Triangle spans the luminous band of the Milky Way.
Tomorrow’s picture: seasons of Saturn
影像提供与版权: Ali Hosseini Nezhad
说明: 今年在几乎无月光干扰的幽暗夜空下,许多地球的住民得以好好观赏年年复现的英仙座流星雨。而在8月13日星期日黎明前,从伊朗、设拉子县的山坡草原看出去,这些英仙座流星沿着北半球的夏季银河洒向大地。用以构建这幅组合影像的照片,系摄于当地时间清晨02:00至04:30之间,时值今年英仙座流星雨的极大期附近。而此流星雨位于英仙座内的辐射点,则座落在远高于这片相机夜空视野的上空。不过,北半球夏夜的粉丝仍可找到熟悉的星群。由天津四、织女和牛郎所构成的夏三角,正好跨坐在明亮的带状银河上。
明日的图片: seasons of Saturn