Three Galaxies and a Comet
Credit & Copyright: Miloslav Druckmuller (Brno University of Technology)
Explanation: Diffuse starlight and dark nebulae along the southern Milky Way arc over the horizon and sprawl diagonally through this gorgeous nightscape. The breath-taking mosaic spans a wide 100 degrees, with the rugged terrain of the Patagonia, Argentina region in the foreground. Along with the insider’s view of our own galaxy, the image features our outside perspective on two irregular satellite galaxies – the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. The scene also captures the broad tail and bright coma of Comet McNaught, the Great Comet of 2007.
Tomorrow’s picture: game stars
影像提供与版权: Miloslav Druckmuller (Brno University of Technology)
说明: 在这幅壮丽的影像里,沿着斜贯过夜空的南天银河分布之弥漫星光和暗星云,悬在地平线上方。这幅迷人拼接影像的张角宽达100度,前景则是位于阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚的崎岖原野。影像呈现我们身为银河系圈内人所见的光景之外,也记录了我们作为圈外人所看到的大和小麦哲伦星系,这二个形状不规则的银河伴星系之身影。此外,这张影像也捕捉到曳着宽广彗尾和明亮彗发的2007年大彗星──麦克诺彗星。
明日的图片: game stars