An Annular Solar Eclipse over New Mexico
Credit & Copyright: Colleen Pinski
Explanation: What is this person doing? In 2012, an annular eclipse of the Sun was visible over a narrow path that crossed the northern Pacific Ocean and several western US states. In an annular solar eclipse, the Moon is too far from the Earth to block out the entire Sun, leaving the Sun peeking out over the Moon’s disk in a ring of fire. To capture this unusual solar event, an industrious photographer drove from Arizona to New Mexico to find just the right vista. After setting up and just as the eclipsed Sun was setting over a ridge about 0.5 kilometers away, a person unknowingly walked right into the shot. Although grateful for the unexpected human element, the photographer never learned the identity of the silhouetted interloper. It appears likely that the person is holding a circular device that would enable them to get their own view of the eclipse. The shot was taken at sunset on 2012 May 20 at 7:36 pm local time from a park near Albuquerque. Next month, on October 14, a different narrow swath across North and South America will be exposed to a different annular solar eclipse, if the sky is clear. Simultaneously, cloud-free observers almost anywhere on either continent will be able to see a partial solar eclipse.
Tomorrow’s picture: active comet
影像提供与版权: Colleen Pinski
说明: 这家伙在做什么?2012年日环食的可见区域,为穿过北太平洋和美国本土数个西部州的狭窄全食带。在日环食期间,月亮离地球太远而无法完全遮住太阳,因此日盘会从月盘的边缘露出来,形成火之环的景观。为了要记录这种难得的太阳事件,一位不嫌麻烦的的摄影者,从亚利桑那州开车到新墨西哥州,寻找完美的观测地点。在架好设备后,食日正落向半公里外的山脊后方,而一位不知情者刚好走入视野。虽然虽然摄影者为外加的人文元素而心怀感激,但他从未得知这位以剪影之姿入镜者的身份。乍看之下,这位老兄好像手持一个用来观赏这次日食的圆形器物。这幅影像是在2012年5月20日当地时间7:36 pm,摄于美国新墨西哥州阿布奎基市的一座公园内。下个月的10月14日将再出现另一例日环食,而如果天空清朗的话,此事件可见的区域为穿过北美洲与南美洲的狭窄食带。在此同时,这二个洲无云遮蔽地区的其他住民可见到日偏食。
明日的图片: active comet